No need for a TMI picture πŸ˜·πŸ˜–πŸ˜›πŸ˜±


Because I know FOR SURE that what I just lost is my entire mucus plug!

I am at 41w3d, and more than ready to have this baby! Just awoke to use the restroom and, wow, I seriously did not know that all of that was in there hahahaha I'm having very mild backaches and period like cramps. Going to try to get some rest, because I think we're meeting our little babe tonight!!!!


My contractions were mild to medium this morning from 3-7am. I was able to fall asleep for a couple of hours, and at 9am woke up to a strong contraction that made me nauseus and very shakey. They are now roughly 7 mins apart and much more intense.


Stronger contractions, 5 mins apart (11am) Trying to labor at home as much as possible, so I'll be heading to the hospital at 3 mins apart.