40+6 and he's on his way finally!

Finally in the hospital!! 40w+6d. Water started leaking yesterday afternoon but I wasn't positive if that's what it was or if it was just extra discharge. We live 45 mins away from the hospital so I waited. Contractions started at around 7pm around 3-5 mins apart and lasting from 40 seconds to a min and a half. But occasionally had an 8 minute or so gap they were also very mild which is why I chose to wait. Woke up at 1am with painful contractions still 3-5 mins apart but all over a minute long. Got a shower and headed to the hospital where they informed me I was 4cm dialated and my water had indeed sprung a leak. Lol. By the time I got to the hospital my contractions were unbearable so against my plan I said yes to the epidural once offered. Contractions stopped and labor stalled. The doctor then broke my water the rest of the way and the contractions came back but I could not feel them thank god. At 12pm they will check me again to see how I've progressed and if they need to start pitocin. Kind of nervous I will need a c section if given that but excited either way. Being 6 days past due I was so ready to have this baby start his journey out! 🤗🤗