My water broke at 9:47 am 11/12/16, when I was 35 weeks exactly

My water broke at 9:47 am 11/12/16, when I was 35 weeks exactly. When I got to the hospital, I hadn't dilated at all. They started pitocin around noon. I got an epidural around 4-5pm, when I was only 1.5 cm. At 7pm, I was still only 1.5-2cm so the doctor suggested a c-section. They started cutting at 7:56pm, baby a was born at 8:00pm (4 lb, 12 oz, 18 in) and baby b was born at 8:01:59pm (4lb 14 oz, 16.5 in). Baby b had to be dug out, so it was the best call. I cried. I didn't want a cesarean at all, but in the end, I don't care. My babies are here, and they are healthy and happy. That's all that matters.