Well, after 40 hours of labor, 14 hours of hard labor (without taking anything for the pain the firs...

Jessica • First time mommy!
Well, after 40 hours of labor, 14 hours of hard labor (without taking anything for the pain the first 29 I might add) Jameson Daniel Dimmitt made his appearance at 11:55pm on 11/17/16 (one day before 41 weeks) weighing in at 8lbs 10oz 21 inches long with a 15 1/2 head... (kinda really glad he came out cesarean. It was a long couple of days, and I know it's just the beginning because I'm in a bit of pain. But he's amazing! So beautiful and happy! He latched right away and we breastfeed for over an hour! Loved that skin to skin! Thank you everyone for putting up with me and my questions! You guys rock!