37 weeks and we have a possible date!

Today I am 37 weeks and we saw the doctor. She checked me and I'm not even dilated a whole centimeter it's more like a half! Lol however, she said I was very soft, her fingertip could touch his head, and she didn't have to reach in too far. She said that is a good sign for a first time mom. That encouraged me. I have a low functioning thyroid, so she doesn't want me to go past my due date of December 9th, so she told me she had an opening for December 7th at 7:30 am to be induced. I'm praying he comes on his own before then, but it is super crazy and surreal to know that in less than 3 weeks I will have my baby here in my arms! God bless all the mommies out there due this month!! It's coming soon! 💙👶