Another random poem i wrote....constructive criticism please......The Beauty Of It All

The deep red color of the petals as they begin to open

The familiar smell as you inhale the scent

The perfect triangle of the prickly green thorn

The meaning behind a cluster or even just one

The beauty of a rose

The colors of orange, red and pink in the sky

The decline in temperature during the decent

The noise of light slowly turning into the quiet of night

The day life turning into night life as dark begins to fall

The beauty of a sunset

The breeze kissing your bare skin as you keep moving

The smell of fresh air filling your lungs

The rumble of the exhaust pipe as you begin to accelerate

The feeling of freedom as you control your destination

The beauty of riding a motorcycle

The sound of their laughter filling your ears

The warmth that arises when they come into sight

The feeling you get when you think about them in your life

The smell of their skin as they lay in your arms asleep

The beauty of a person you love

The beauty of nature

The beauty of mechanics

The beauty of life

The beauty of it all