my looonng birth story 🙄

Tatyana • Atl 🌃 Mommy to a beautiful baby girl 👶🏻💞 And a sweet little man 👶🏻💙
On November 14th at about 9 something in the morning my Ob called me saying I have a scheduled induction date for Saturday at 4 I was 41 weeks pregnant & my baby was weighing in at 8-9 pounds already at this point. I get another call from my ob again at about 11 saying change of plans I need to come in that night for an "emergency induction" basically saying cause of how far along I was & everything. So time comes for me to be induced we get to the hospital they set me all up & start me on cervidil which they said could take a long time to work but me luckily it started working almost instantly I was having pretty strong contractions about 5 mins after they put it in I was excited at this point. A couple hours go by & the pain gets a little worse so I go ahead & get the epidural which was painless when it was put in , I was happy to be getting some relief from this pain but little did I know that was far from what happened ... I was waiting & waiting for the epi to kick in & it really never did all it did was make my legs feels so heavy but I could still move them & everything & I felt every contraction even in my back. As time goes by & hours of trying to get this epi to work & figure out why it wasn't I was progressing very fast by 1 something I was 9.5 centimeters dialed & still in pain I could feel everything & ended up getting stuck at 9 centimeters. More time goes by & my baby's heart rate starts slowly going down & basically stops ... I can't even explain how I felt at that moment nurses all around me putting me on oxygen & thankfully her heart rate came back up but was going back down to. At this point I'm over the pain & now I was scared for my babies life I wanted to call it & get a c section but they nurses just were not with me on that , with all this going on I'm under the most stress I've ever been in in my life & finally I feel this very very intense pressure & get check I'm 10 ! Okay so it's time to push I start pushing & it's not going so good my pelvic bone is shaped a little different then others so I had a hard time getting my little girl out & they were just about to rush me to c section & bam out of no where here she come BUUT she gets stuck 😩 & so again a whole bunch of nurses rush in & push my SO out the way & tell my mom to move & start pushing on my stomach & pulling my baby out as best as they could that pain was so intense I can't even begin to explain it. They finally get my baby girl out & she wasn't breathing 😭 they cut her cord really fast & thank god they get her to start crying & breathing. I went into shock just cause of everything that was happening but I managed to get the words "what's wrong with my baby" out as soon as they took her. My SO broke down into tears my mom rushed to comfort him which I'm so grateful for he had a front row seat to see all that go on to me & his baby girl. After all that went on seeing my baby girl & holding her all I could say was it was worth it I wish things would have went different for my baby I was so scared but she came out a health 8 pounds 14 ounces & is the most beautiful little girl ever 😍 I had to ask my SO & mom over & over some things that happened it was a blur to me after being in shock. Thankful I've had a great recovery only a 1st degree tear & ive just been up & going , only really painful thing still is my back come to find out my epi was in all wrong 😒 I gave birth to my first baby with no medicine crazy to say but I did it 🙌🏼 here's my beautiful miracle baby with me & my amazing man👶🏽💕