My Lap Experience

Hey, everyone. A lot of you had expressed interest in what the lap was going to be like so I wanted to share. Everyone's experience will be different!!! I was extremely nervous and all my nurses and doctors were extremely kind. They ended up giving me anxiety meds in my IV before going down to the holding area. I arrived, got changed in a small room. I drank this weird carb drink to help with anesthesia. I had a bad reaction to the soap they made me use before, right by my belly button, so my doctor actually came up to the regular room to check me out. When they were ready for me, I was in holding and they asked me a ton of questions and the nurses who would be there when I woke up introduced themselves to me. They took me to OR, I immediately started to cry because I'm a big baby and they gave me the stuff in the IV to go to sleep...after one of the nurses turned some music on for me but I only heard maybe a few seconds of it before going to sleep. I woke up an hour later in recovery with familiar nurses and what felt like a full bladder. They got me back upstairs to my regular room and my husband. Well, if I peed I could go home and sleep and that's where the problem started. I was very much still affected by being put under and I tried to go every half hour because I wanted to go home. I was supposed to be home by 12, my surgery was over at 10, and it was going on 3. I was getting frustrated and scared because they talked about doing a catheter. My doctor said to let me go home and keep trying there, if I still couldn't go before last night, I was to go to ER. Well,I got home, and I'm peeing but only a tiny amount at a time. My moms an RN and said it was probably still from the anesthesia because I had the shakes as well and wasn't cold. I also couldn't sit up or stand too long without getting nauseated because of the anesthesia and that was after being given stuff twice for nausea in the hospital. I will say, while I'm sore today and plan to lay here on my heat blanket, when all of that was going on yesterday, I barely felt pain from the actual surgery. This morning it hurts because I'm gassy and can feel gas bubbles moving around my sore spots. I can't lay on my stomach and it hurts to sit up yet but that's to be expected. All in all, my fears were way worse than the actual experience and be open with those taking care of you as they did everything they could to help me. I only have three small bandaids and they can come off today. They removed seven spots of endo and two are being sent to a pathologist to make sure they're nothing more sinister. I also know now I have one blocked tube and one open one. I'm praying for a Christmas miracle baby 😊