I keep having panic attacks, help

I've had a pretty bad anxiety disorder for years, but it had actually been really good recently until I had surgery to remove 11 of my top teeth for dental implants on Thursday. I'm 17 and have a genetic disorder that causes my teeth to break and decay no matter what I do. So anyway, I've been more nervous these past few days than I was before surgery. My mouth is really uncomfortable, I can barely eat or drink, and I just feel so weak and tired. I'm so anxious that I have barely been resting, I slept fine Thursday night but was up until 5am this morning and only slept for a few hours. I just feel so awful, I hate this recovery. My mouth tastes like shit, and looks nasty too. I just can't stop panicking that I'm gonna get some crazy infection or complication and die in my sleep or something. I know that sounds absolutely insane but that's what anxiety does. I can't stop worrying about school as well as thanksgiving. Any advice?:(