All nautual

My son who is now 2months old came hard and fast!! Had gone to my ob the Friday he was born Dr said I was at a 3 and not to worry nothing was gonna happen that weekend so to come in Tuesday and she would sweep my membranes and we would probably have him not long after that! Well Friday night I started havin contractions at 1am and at first I thought that it was just gas or BH but by 215 they were 5 mins apart so I woke my husband and told him we needed to go to the hospital so we grabbed our things and our 2 year old son (didn't know if they were gonna admit me) get there thank God we live 5mins from our hospital!! The nurse checks me and says I'm at a 6 1/2 at 245 so my husband hauls ass to drop off our son with family he gets back my sister grandmother and friend show up all about 4 my mom lives two hours away she was hauling ass to get here at 430 the Dr comes in and is gonna check me and wants me to bear down with my next contraction I do and my water breaks while he's checking he shouts out she's at a 9! Its time to have a baby.... They get ready and I pushed two big pushes and there was my sweet new angel boy!!! That's the best part here the horrible part! My original ob is a small petite female and this Dr was a huge dude looked like he could play football and kill some one! Well my cord some how detached from my placenta that was still inside!!! I had my son laying on Me I was helping clean him off when I felt this horrible pressure pain I screamed the nurse ran off with our son to clean him better the Dr had to reach up inside me all the way to his elbow and manually remove my placenta that is the most painful thing ever I would have rather push my son out 3 more times than do that again! He was born Sept 24th 2016 at 4:58 am!!