"Threatened Abortion" is such a terrible term...


I had an early ultra sound done last week. I wasn't expecting one so early, I was only thought to be between six and seven weeks, but my doctor had me do one. I wasn't complaining, got to see my little one earlier than I thought! Everything looked great, measured a few days ahead then I thought and had a heartbeat of 128. Well, here I am now, today at eight weeks and will be getting another ultrasound tomorrow. I had very heavy, very bright red bleeding. Went to urgent care. They couldn't do an ultra sound today so I have to go back tomorrow morning. The bleeding has slowed down, but still happening. Now it is kind of just wait and see. They checked my cervix, which is still closed which is a good sign, but the blood is coming from there. The doctor said that it was brown blood coming from my cervix, so I am not sure why it is bright red that I see on the pad and when I wipe... They also did a blood test to check my HCG levels. I'll know more in the morning, but now I have to wait. And now I can't stop hearing the term "threatened abortion" in my head. It sounds so horrible. It is horrible. I want to just find out that my baby is okay. I want this to be just a terrible dream...


I had my ultrasound this morning and my baby still has a heartbeat and grew a week in size as it should have! I am so relieved but we still aren't out of the clear yet. I am on bed rest for at least a week. They said the ultra sound looks good and didn't see anything that would cause the bleeding, so still unsure of what is causing it. Thankfully the bleeding is slowing down though. I'll have to go back in two days to do another blood test and check my levels.