30 hours of labor turned in to a C-Section😫💙

Saray • Navy wife⚓ mommy of ✌🏽💙💗
I got induced Thursday morning around 8 am. My doctor started me with cytotec by noon. I got the epidural by 7pm. At that point I was stuck on 5 cm for a couple hours. At 9am Friday morning my nurse had me to some practice pushes and was open to 7cm  by 11:30 I was dilated 9cm and she called my doctor. After a few more pushes my doctor came in to check in my progress. Apparently my pelvic bore is too small so it didn't fully open. My doctor right away took me into c-section. It was the WORST experience of my life 😭😭 my husband says I kept asking more and more medicine. I was asleep the whole I don't remember a thing though!! Alll I do remember is looking up to where my husband was and seeing him cry💕💔 biggest support I needed. Then I heard my baby crying it was beautiful but I k.o right after. At 12:59 I delivered a beautiful baby boy who weighed 6.7 ounces. He had already pooped inside of me and had his umbilical cord wrapped atound his neck twice. I thank God for helping me deliver my baby❤️❤️❤️ congrats to all the once have their babies and best wishes to the ones almost in labor ❤️❤️❤️