TTC... No Luck 😔.

Hey Guys!!
Thought I'd share how I'm feeling today on here!!!..basically really down. 
This baby business is getting to much & I just don't think it'll happen for me. 
I'm 25 & my parter is 30.. 
we've been together nearly 6 years. 
I've been off the pill for just over 2 years...
My periods have only in the last 4 months started getting back to normal.. 31 day cycles now before it was like 65!!!!..
Myself & my partner are both under the GP for tests... 
I've had an ultrasound to check for PSOS which came back all clear 🎉... had bloods which were all fine also.
My partner took a sperm sample into the doctors today so in 1 week we will know results from this. 
We started using pre seed with no luck 😔.
I've always had an inkling like a sense that I'd never be able to have a baby!! 
Sounds mad but my best friend says exactly the same!!!. 
We're getting married July 2018 
& would love to start a family well before then!!...
Am I wishing for to much?! 😩...
Any tips tricks, remedys, anything at all anyone can suggest I'd really appreciate 💋😘 xxx