my birth story!! totally unprepared and unplanned.

December • FTM due in November 2016! <3
had no idea I was getting induced today. I was 40w5d and just had a doctors appointment. I went in and it was a normal OB appointment. We checked his heart rate and then my doctor wanted to see how dilated I was and to check my cervix. He said I was dilated at a 3. Then said "let's call the hospital and see about getting this baby out" and I was like TODAY? And he said yes! 

So he called and they weren't busy so I literally drove from my doctors office to the hospital. 

I was alone at the time. My boyfriend was at work but I called and he got to leave early. 

I got started on pitocin around 11am. Right after the pitocin, they broke my water and said I was dilated at a 4. 

I started feeling my contractions and they were getting stronger and stronger. I don't know what time I asked for the epidural. Probably around 2-3ish. I didn't let the pain get unbearable. I wanted to be able to sit still for the epidural. 

I literally dilated from a 4 to a 7 in less than 10 minutes. Nurse said I was super stretchy and she could easily stretch me to a 9. 

I started having contractions like crazy, every minute. They started being less than a minute apart so they took me off pitocin and gave me something to slow them down. My baby's heart rate kept dropping during contractions and since they were so close together, he wasn't getting a chance to get his heart rate where it should be. 

My contractions slowed down and they had me on oxygen and put me on my left side because he seemed to like laying like that. His heart rate was good and healthy for a long time so we started pitocin again. As soon as my contractions started, his heart rate lowered again. They started prepping me for an emergency c section just in case. 

I can't remember the time but they came in the room and told me that's what the doctor decided because my baby's heart rate would not raise back up. 

I was rolled into the OR for my c section. I wish I could explain how it felt. It was crazy feeling. I didn't feel any pain but you can feel them pushing and pulling around then I hear a nurse exclaim "look at them cheeks" and I hear him cry and I start crying. My boyfriend held our baby while they closed me up. They say my bed up and let me hold him and give him skin to skin for an hour. 

He was born at 5:22pm, an even 9lbs, and 20.5in long!!!