How many have..

How many of you have had a mc and or trouble getting pregnant after this poison? I was on it for 9 months and have been off 11 months and have had 2 mc neither lasting more than 4 weeks. And I know it's from that crap. It thins your lining and stops ovulation. Went last week for an us to measure my lining and my lining was 2 mm. Yup 2 freaking mm!! The first 2 moths off I bled constantly. Then none for 3 months then it was on a week, off 5 days, on two days, off 5 weeks. Untill the end of November when I found out I was preg. Then a week later I mc. Then on dec 21 I found out I was preg again and mc and the 26th I mc again. But the doc has nothing to do with me cause I haven't been off for 2 years... It's normal he said. This crap is the cause of my problems. The other two mc were from pure stress.