Bleeding at 5w5d, Asking for prayers for a sticky one!


Hello beautiful ladies! Today I am asking for any prayers that can be sent our way.

I'm 5w5d with our 1st and I have been spotting bright red a few times this week with clots and mild cramping as of this morning. Of course I hopped on the internet and started thinking the worst with all these crazy stories. We are prepared for anything as 3 very close relatives have had miscarriages in the last year but we are hoping for the best!

My SO and I didn't ever think we would be able to conceive because he was told his chances of having a baby were slim to none so we consider our little chocolate chip a miracle.

This community has been our support system for now because we are waiting to make the announcement at Christmas and I must say we are incredibly grateful for every one of you sharing your most personal stories! They are helping us get through a stressful time when we only have each other to rely on. Sending positive vibes out to all of you! Have a HAPPY pregnancy!