Does this sound like amniotic fluid or am I nuts?


I am constantly wet down there. New to me. Usually my discharge is whitish but now it's clear and very watery. As I'm walking, or when I stand up, sometimes I feel a little gush. Almost like how you feel when you start your period and you just know it. That wet feeling and then I check with my finger and it's clear on my fingers and doesn't smell at all and it's slippery. Idk I'm confused. I put a pad on about 20 mins ago and I'll check that around an hour but I've emptied my bladder and everything. I've been having period like cramps and tightening all over my belly and the baby is going nuts. He's been very quiet the last couple weeks and I've been to l&d for decreased movement. Tonight it's like he won't stop. He's head down, very low. There's lots of pressure in my lower abdomen/pelvic area. Tell me what you think. Tell me your experiences

UPDATE : not my water you guys. Lol turns out I'm just having a lot of discharge. It's so weird. I'm still questioning bc it's so watery but dr said it wasn't. Oh well. 3 more days until c section :) thank you for all your responses and good luck to those who's water HAS broken! :)