Please Help! NEED ADVICE

Okay well yesterday I was sitting in the kitchen playing on my phone, my husbands phone was next to me charging. Well it went off and it was a messanger icon from a girl and I read what she said (cause u know it pops on the side of the bubble) and in my head I was like wtf? Like who is she and the reply was answering a question so I was like we'll wtf they talking about. He was in the room with me. Well he saw me pick his phone up he didn't seem to care I opened it and told him he had a message. Then when I read bits and parts of it my heart dropped. He could tell something was wrong with how I looked at him. Just so u know this was around 2pm yesterday, he had been gone from the house from 6am-1pm. He was hunting. That whole time he was gone I didn't get a text. I assumed cause he's hunting so he's busy. He had been messaging this girl since he left our house. And he wasn't cheating. She asked him why she was with me. He replied with idk I been thinking about divorce but I don't wanna be alone. She said he didn't have to he could find any girl to be with. He then responded yea but if I dated anyone it would have to be on the DL until the divorce is final. HEADS UP WE WERE NOT FIGHTING, WE HAVE NOT EVEN TALKED ABOUT EVEN SEPARATING, AND WE ONLY BEEN MARRIED 8 MONTHS TODAY. Okay anyways. This girl was bashing me saying I probably have a guy or two on the side he responded I wouldn't doubt it! Like wtf do I do!? After I handed him his phone I ran to the bathroom and cried. We talked but every time I look at him those messages run threw my head. I don't even know what to do. I thought I finally had it all.