Baby book-World Around Me section 2016

There's a section in LO's baby book called The World Around Me that you fill out. I was wondering what everyone had for these sections and also it could help others fill out their baby books for 2016. I'm not as in tune to current or popular trends to answers some of these (I watch Friends re-runs and listen to a lot of 80s music haha) Answer what you can, thanks!
When I was born...
National Leaders...
World Leaders...
Popular Entertainers...
Popular Songs...
Best-selling Authors...
Hit TV Shows...
Sports Stars...
Fashion Trends...
The price of...
Gallon of gas, monthly rent/mortgage, car, movie ticket, babysitting rates, gallon of milk, loaf of bread, diapers, postage stamp
(I need rent/mortgage, babysitting rates, and diapers)
Here's a good website for most of these. Still would like to know what YOU would put. Thanks