To share or not to share...

So I am overly excited for the arrival of our little one, and I want so much to be able to share it with friends and family on social media. However, part of me feels so guilty for doing it so I have not.

See about a month ago a friend of mine who was also expecting delivered her little one at 23 weeks. The poor thing struggled with so much and left for heaven one month later. I was able to follow her story on facebook from the good days to the bad days. My heart hurts for her and her husband and I cannot even begin to understand her struggle especially this time of year.

Because of her loss I am afraid to share about my pregnancy, Not because I think she would get mad or anything, I just don't want to make her sad.

We find out our gender in 20 more days, and I want to post our reveal (I'm super excited for it) for friend and family who will not be there.

Should i be able share without feeling bad?! Or out of respect just send it individually to those not there?