advice please

Hey guys so I am starting college in January and I will be graduating four years later assuming I pass everything. I have one slight problem though I dropped out of high school and I have not held a job for longer than 20 days. I hate working and I hate school. Does anybody else feel this way and how do I fix it? I'm 24. I can't hold down a job or school.. literally. Why is this? I'd rather just sit on my phone all day... im lazy. 
Yes this is serious.
Edit I did get my ged but on my first try (which I was surprised) and they didn't ask about my job history 
I talked to a community college and they said I can start in January if I choose to sign (which I did) I just am worried about dropping out. 
It's an associates degree but being I dropped out it will take me 3.5 years  because of math and science and English