kind of hurt

I was scrolling through my Facebook and my boyfriend liked this post from an hour ago
This really upsets me because I literally do everything for him. He does the laundry and that's it. Lately I haven't been cooking dinner because I'm pregnant and nothing sounds good to me and he never tells me what he wants so how am I suppose to even make anything. But I still keep the house spotless. Yeah it takes me a few days to even get to it because I work two jobs, I've been going to school. He's home more than I am, he gets off work earlier than I do and has two days off and I have one. And I still manage to do everything at some point during the week. And like he doesn't ever take me out, he barely ever does anything for me. He pay all the house bills and throws that in my face all the time. He makes more than I do and he's the one who wanted me to move in. I want to confront him because this really hurts my feelings. But right now isn't the time to get in an argument over it, because he's been nothing but mean to be the past couple days. I'm already worried enough about the baby. I don't need more.