new relationship

So I'm in a new relationship and this is a big step for me becaus I've had really abusive relationships before. I've known this guy for two years, and in those two years we've talked off and on and now I just recently decided that I wanted to make it official (he asked me about two months ago to be his girlfriend but I never gave him an answer). Anyways with all that being said, lately I've been getting irritated quickly and I don't like being touched and we haven't had sex (yes we've had sex before) in 3 weeks (because of me having absolutely no sex drive or affectionate feelings whatsoever). I'll hold his hand and wrap my arm in his most times but recently I even don't like kissing. I had no problem with in when we were first talking and beginning this relationship but now it's just like something in me shut off. I don't know if it's due to anxiety and mild depression or if it's just my past affecting me now... And he never tells me when something is wrong and I feel like I annoy him a lot. Idk what to do. I feel bad because I won't let him touch me but then again I cringe at the thought of being touched or having sex or even making out. He tells me all the time he loves me and he's okay with it and that he understands because of what's happened to me but I just have this sinking feeling that something inside him is annoyed and he feels like I don't like him which I do.. Idk maybe I'm just ranting but I feel like something is wrong with me and I'm worried that I'm being a bad girlfriend because I don't want to be touched a lot or have sex and I get annoyed with him easily, but like I know I want to be with him and this is what I want.