My little sister told me she likes a girl.

Nicole • Animals love me... People too.
I'm 20 and she is 15 and we have an older sister who is 23. I moved out of my moms house a few months ago where I shared a room with my little sister and we were really close and still are. It's hard for her I know with me being gone because she always used to come to me first with anything. Well today she texted me that she doesn't know what to do because she likes a girl and it's mutual. She told me over text because it's still new to her and she said saying out loud makes her cry for some reason. That made my heart sink. I love this girl so much and it hurts that she thinks that her being Bi could be wrong. I told her no matter what she is perfectly normal and that we still love her the same. I'm telling family for her because that's what she wants and that's fine with me because I'll do anything for her. She seems so happy to finally tell someone I can tell. I'm really glad she came to me first too. I just want to remind everyone that liking someone of the same sex or different sex is okay. There is no right or wrong here. Follow your heart. If my 15 year old sister can than so can you!💕 share your story or your loved ones coming out stores below so we can all support each other:)