My best friend is pregnant...

So my best friend and her husband are pregnant... Just a month or two ago she told me that she Didnt want another baby. She wasnt ready for #2 right now. Ive been communicating with her about how much I want another baby and how depressed I was getting. I have PCOS and it took my 4 years to get my son, who is 14 months old now. Im now 3 days late on my period with negative I guess that means ive lost my periods again due to PCOS. I don't know how I feel right now. My husband keeps asking me what's wrong and I honestly don't know what to tell him. I feel like everything is going in slow motion around me. I laughed, cried, and smiled when she told me. I cant help but feel so happy for her, but at the same time I feel so angry and confused. I don't understand. I had planned to stop trying. I had talked myself in to being okay with not being pregnant and letting it happen when it happens, but honestly deep down, my heart doesn't truly feel that way obviously... Im so confused.