Curious for opinions!


Girl: Teegan, Tessa, Talia, Taylan, Tyler, or Talina (first name)

*Middle name will be Elizabeth

Boy: Tyler, Tayden, Tatum, Thomas, or Tucker

*Middle name will be Dean

We're just curious about what everyone thinks! 😊 Post your girl and boy preferences! We find out gender December 8th this is our third pregnancy but second baby. Big brother is named Trenton James after my husband's dad so the middle names are my mom and dad's for this baby. We're sticking to "T names" because we're both "Rs" so we want "T's" for the babies. This will be our last live birth because my body doesn't handle pregnancy at all our son was premature and stopped growing due to IUGR this baby is already showing the same signs so we're adopting after this little love.