Threesome and boundaries

So my boyfriend and I have sometimes go visit his best friend and we usually end up having a threesome. The friend and I actually had a sort of friends with benefits relationship prior to me and my bf getting together, and they've done similar stuff with his ex. 
Now it hasn't really been a huge issue before, but I want to be on the safe side. My boyfriend and I have been experimenting a lot since we've ben together (about sixteen months) and I'd say we're pretty kinky. I'm a huge masochist and he really likes hurting me, and we also do a lot of breathplay, some light bondage, and mild exhibitioist type things. Some of what my bf and I do took a long time to work up to, especially the more intense pain things and all of the breathplay stuff. My friend is definitely into more sadistic types of things too, but everything he and I have done together is a lot more mild. 
So my question is this. I want to make sure that our friend knows that I have different boundaries with him than I do with my boyfriend. Obviously if he did something I didn't want I would tell him to stop, but I don't want him to see my bf do something and assume it's okay. How should I go about it? Send him a message before hand or go over what is and isn't okay for him clearly way?  handle it by a case by case basis in the moment? Maybe bring it up before we go visit? idk. I'm not even sure if anything will come up after all. Maybe to be extra clear we should just avoid things I'm only comfortable with my boyfriend doing all together, and only have him do stuff i'd be okay with having our friend do as well? I don't know 🤔