awkies first time but I need tips!!!

So today my boyfriend and I were about to have sex. It's my first time but it's not his and we've been together about 7 months so it's been a while since he's done anything. 
It was pretty dark and while he was putting the condom on he realised it was the wrong way and it was too small for him (his friend gave it to him). 
I felt so bad for him because I knew how much he wanted this but I didn't really mind because I was nervous enough anyways! But how embarrassing for him, I felt so bad😳 I found the funny side to it and didn't make him go awkward but gosh he was so embarrassed! 
Long story short we didn't end up doing it but now we're planning on doing it tomorrow, with a bigger condom 😂😂
Anybody have any tips for a first timer? I get very nervous 😅😅