Crush on my BFF, not sure how to make a move

Hi Ladies,
I'll cut right to it. I have a huge crush on my best friend (a girl). We're both straight-leaning but neither of us identifies as totally straight. I really want to make a move but I've never been with a girl in that way and thus have zero experience. I'm in my late 20's and have plenty of experience and confidence with men, but the idea of making a move on her sends me into 14 year old, nervous girl mode. I'm 90% sure she's into me too, but I can't tell if that's just a drunken fantasy for her or not.
1) How do I find out if she's into the idea of hooking up without killing the mood? I don't want to just straight up ask because that kills the tease. Any way to sexily find out without scaring her away if she's not into it? I realllllly don't want to fuck our friendship if she's not into it so I'd like to test the waters before I make a move. 
2) How do I make a move? Do I need to play a more dominant, masculine role? I am quite feminine fyi. Literally, what do I do to make a move? 😂
It's so much easier with guys! Help!!