FTM Cervical Pressure Question!!!

Kayla • Due December 28, 2016!
Hey y'all! 
I feel really quite dumb when it comes to pregnancy.. I guess that is from being a first time mother.. First let me say that I am 34 weeks + 5 days & I have been having this "pain/pressure" on what feels like my cervix for quite a few weeks now. It is very uncomfortable when it happens but only lasts a few seconds. It's a really "sharp" feeling sensation. I haven't had any Braxton Hicks contractions or at least I don't think I have. I've heard some women don't feel or notice them.. Last time I was checked my baby was "frank breech" (butt down) so that's why I'm so confused on what I'm feeling. It that is butt bouncing on my cervix?! Anyway.. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!