Daddy Issues

Brijona • 💕👩🏾👨🏾👦🏾👶🏾💕 Mummy and Girlfriend 🔮📿🙏🏾 Spiritualist 🌳💨 Naturalist 👸🏾 Queen of my own reality 💋✌🏾
Tomorrow, last year, my daddy died. I'm 30 weeks pregnant. I'm getting ANXIOUS. I don't want to stress my baby out being anxious. I have a 4 year old son, and I REALLY don't want to be snapping off on him for just being a 4 year old boy. I can't drink. I can't smoke any herb. I PRAY TO GOD my boyfriend doesn't work tomorrow so he can be here to keep me present. He held me down last year when it happened. He said I would cry in my sleep. But I don't remember. 
My daddy would have been BEYOND PSYCHED to have a granddaughter.
He was sick for years before he passed. Emotionally a bit abusive so I have cut him off mostly, but on Thanksgiving I made up with him and told him i love him. Then he died. 
I feel shitty. I wish I could have made up with him sooner. Or have been strong enough to understand he was not well and not let his outbursts and words run me away.