Desperate for relief

Hello ladies. Help me induce labor... I am 36 weeks pregnant with twin girls. I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks and my contractions stopped and I got steroid shots for the babies lungs. Now I am in intense and horrific constant pain and I want these girls out! I have a condition called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) where my pelvis is splitting apart and the bottom and my hips are killing me. At this point walking is like I am being stabbed in the vajayjay on every step I take and I am in pain sitting, standing, walking, and laying down. I can't sleep I can't relax I can't do anything... when I had my son 5 and a half years ago I was playing Just Dance 2 and my water broke I can't do that because I can't even walk. What else can I do to induce?