So scared


So I came into my normal weekly appointment this week and baby is being less active again. This is the second time I've come to L&D for lack of movement and I get sent home. But now that I'm 39 weeks. My doctor saw him inactive and sent me again. I'm here now and I was told I might have a c- section if it continues. I'm beyond scared right now. I'm trying my best to remain calm. I really wanted to labor naturally and birth vaginally but whatever has to happen had to happen. My anxiety levels are peaked, especially since they just put me in a separate room for delivery and I'm thinking this might actually happen. I might be meeting my little boy today.

Edit: They said baby is responding well. Good heartbeat. So don't know what's going on at the moment. They did say I'm dilated 1-2 cm and they're picking up contractions. Fingers crossed this baby comes on his own.