
So here's my wedding confession. I act engaged but I'm not. We have been dating for 2 years and want to get married before we move to TX to be closer to his family (nov 2017) but he hasn't put a ring on my finger yet. Is he waiting for Anniversary date? Christmas? Valentines? Birthday? I personally think he just doesn't have the actual money for a ring, not to mention the stress knowing we are 100% (unless someone surprises us) paying for our own wedding AT THE SAME TIME we are purchasing our first home that is 24 hours away from where we currently live. It stresses me just thinking about it. (Which is probably why I'm planning every little detail haha) We talk marriage every day. We talk about babies and moving next year, but dang it I'm ready for that first step. Am I crazy for having my whole wedding nearly planned? Am I ever going to actually get engaged? Ugh words of encouragement would be great!