should I test today or tomorrow. 12DPO. today marks 1 month since my last period

Tamara • Mommy to my 2 beautiful baby boys, Nathan Louis💙 born August 12, 2017 and Parker Joseph May 6, 2019❤️ My whole world😍
In the past couple days i have gotten sensitive nipples and itchy. And hurts when I itch them. Could this be a sign ?! I NEVER have any of this before AF. Also the last 2 days I have wiped yellow CM. I have never experienced that either. It didn't look cottage cheese like, but was itchy down there yesterday. My 2WW I have experienced headaches that come and go, pressure like on the bottom of my tummy(like bloated maybe?) never experienced that either. Pooping and peeing a lot more than usual. Tummy hurts and makes me have to poop. Backaches. Heartburn. Sneezing a lot !