Finally had court!

So I've been posting about family court and everything with my husband and his ex. Well they had Court yesterday and let's just say I can not stop laughing! Where we live parents automatically share joint custody, well he filed for visitation because his ex wouldn't let him see their 2 kids. It quickly turned into her claiming abuse and he hasn't been allowed to see his kids since.

Anywho at Court yesterday she tried saying he doesn't pay his child support only $100 here and there, the payments automatically come out of his paychecks and he's only a month behind so they knew she was lying. She then said she's given him every opportunity to be a father, she took their son away when he was a month old and the judge called her out on that. She then stated that he is being charged with Domestic Battery, Assault And Child Endangerment. He's only being charged with Domestic Battery and it's been pending for almost a year now so come March they have to drop it. She never informed her attorney about any of that so her attorney was fumbling trying to find anything to show he shouldn't be given visitation. Needless to say it wasn't a good day to be his ex! He was granted supervised visitation for a year( they had to put a time limit on it) but come March when the DB is dropped and her DVP expires they told him to petition the court for a modification and there'd be nothing stopping him from getting his kids over the weekend like he asked. His ex told the judge that she didn't want him in their sons life or to be given visitation because their son doesn't know him, the judge looked at her and seriously said "that is all your fault, He's being given visitation and if you have a problem with that we can start this whole day over with and I'll allow all his evidence to be shown", her attorney quickly said no that's fine! As we were leaving her attorney was literally yelling at her saying "I've had clients go to jail for the shit you just pulled in there" she was crying and chewing on her sweatshirt sleeve. I busted out laughing like I'm sorry but I couldn't help it and I'm just blaming the pregnancy hormones. I'm so glad things are looking up for my husband and his relationship with his kids, they're both really young under the age of 4, so they won't remember the fact he hasn't been around even though he will. His visits start next week right after he completes one parenting class.