In need of clarity!!

Here it goes... I've been single for 6 months now after a 3 year engagement ended abruptly. Long story short, my fiancé didn't want to move out from under his mom and get a good enough job to have the family that we both wanted so I left him. 
Anyways, I've been crushing on my supervisor for the past 3-4 months now (no rebound comments please as I am completely over my ex from the get go, it doesn't take me long to be done with people) and he has been giving me hints from the first day we met 7 months ago. When we first met, the first thing he said was "Wow you have a beautiful smile!" and all I could think was "how does a perfect looking guy like him find anything about me beautiful?" Don't get me wrong, I love myself and I think I am gorgeous but he looks like he just walked out of the Abrocrombie & Fitch catalogue and into work! Anyway, ever since then he has been very nice to me, he gives me this priceless smile and raises his eyebrows every time he sees me. He has shared his personal life with me and has asked me personal questions like how old are you, do you have any kids, and do you want any kids. Lately he has been getting comfortable with me physically like touching my arm. He also teases me and jokes with me. Now, the big deal is this: a couple of weeks ago I saw on his FB page where his sister tagged him in her post about this spa products that she sells and that he was hosting a catalog party for her. It wasn't a physical gathering, just a virtual event that he was hosting. So at work I mentioned it to him and wanted to know more about it because I love pampering myself! So he seemed excited and he brought the catalog to work the next day for me. I ordered some stuff from the website under his sister's name but I "accidentally" 😜 sent it to the host's address which was his. So yesterday, comes up to me and said that he thinks my package came to him place and said that after work he was going to open it and make sure that no one else's stuff was in there (makes since I guess, what do you think?) and then he said that he was going to take pictures and send it to me via fb messenger. (What do yu think of that?) so after we parted ways, his friend who is my superior comes up to me and makes a joke about the daily competition that we have at wotk amd asked if I was participating in it. I told him no amd he said "what if one of the prizes was lunch with Mike (crush's name), or a 50$ gift card?" That was very wierd of him because I dont talk to him hardly, not even about work. So is it safe to say that he talks about me to his work friends? I also caught him and another one of his work friends starring at me while I was working but they were one aisle down from me which is pretty far. When I saw them they started walking away. I just smiled and continued working. Anyway I need clarity anout whether or not he is for sure crushing on me or not because after work Friday (the day he mentioned that he had my package) I decided to give him my number and he gladly accepted it. He even scrambled for a piece of paper for me to write it down while I went in my bag for a pen. The deal is he hasn't texted me yet.  Im wondering now if he is practing the 3 day rule or was it too soon for me to act. Thanks for your input!