Roommate Rant - just need to vent.

Ok, here's the story:
I moved in with two sisters about three and a half months ago. When I moved in, I knew one of the sisters smoked a good amount of weed, but she swore she only smoked in the garage. I run my own company so smelling like weed is not an option for me.
Anytime people move in together, there are going to be differences. I accept and understand that and I have no problems pointing out things I feel to be very disturbing to me (unless you like minors or dogs or drugs, nothing bothers me!). Like asking her to smoke in the garage after she promised to and then promptly moved it indoors. However, my roommate liked to let things fester and build until she explodes via text. There is nothing worse than looking down, seeing a text from your roommate and knowing it's going to be berating you for stuff you didn't even know you were doing wrong.
Well, the house we live in is owned by her parents, so, upon the last hate filled passive aggressive text, I asked the other roommate (her sister) for the parent's phone number and was going to call and say, "thank you for letting me stay in your home, how would you like me to get the last month's rent to you, and here's when I'm moving out." 
Well, that blows up in my face. Now I'm the evil roommate who, even though I didn't, was GOING to call and tell mom and dad I was moving out because roommate smoked pot. Never ever my intention. EVER!
Now, for the last four days, I have been receiving hate filled text messages calling me a lair and a mooch and a deadbeat and sleazy/sketchy! 
I know I shouldn't let it get to me, and I didn't do anything wrong, but it's really hurt my feelings. 
I was already avoiding the house for the last two months because the house reeked of weed, and that text was just the last straw. I don't want to live somewhere I don't feel at home in.
Anyone else have any roommate stories to make me smile?