lo ogestrel

Britney • 22. Nail Tech. Mom to Kent. Wife to James. Pregnant with baby Oliver! 6.8.15
I was wondering if any ladies in this group had taken this birth control and experienced a miscarriage afterwards. After taking this birth control for approx. a year and a half and then 3 months off I conceived another child. Before the fetus could reach 6 weeks it passed away. My obgyn discovered that my uterus built up an extremely thick lining. Instead of going for a D&C I wanted to pass the baby with medication instead. Due to the over abundance of lining I began bleeding very heavily and had to be admitted to the hospital for three days. Where I lost so much blood I need two blood transfusions and a constant IV. I passed 4 baseball sized clots. Remember this was not normal for a 6 week miscarriage. 4 months after my miscarriage I was able to conceive a healthy baby which I am now 19 weeks pregnant with and I'm currently experiencing no complications. Before the birth control I had very regular normal periods and had a normal healthy pregnancy. I can't seem to find the company who sells or manufactures this birth control. I want to contact them. If any of you have had these same problems with this birth control I would like to hear your story.