Should I opt for a c-section or natural delivery?


Hi!! I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my second child. I had my son in May of 2015, and instead of giving birth to him naturally like I had wanted to do, I had to have a c-section due to sudden onset of pre-eclampsia at 39weeks. With that pregnancy, my blood pressure had always been borderline too high, but I didn't show any other signs of pre-eclampsia until the very end. And afterwards they had trouble keeping my oxygen saturation up.

This pregnancy, my bp and everything else has been wonderfully completely normal the entire time.

I think I would like to give birth vaginally, but I'm obese and honestly scared something is going to happen this time again, like it happened before. Should I just talk to my doctor and have them set a date for a c-section?

I'm also an American, and I'm going to be giving birth in Germany, so that's another factor that is stressing me out.