Rainbow Baby

Vyctoria • Mom to 3 girls🎀
Yesterday was our very first appointment. I was already 9 weeks. I was very anxious for this appointment, it felt like time dragged to get to that time. My ultrasound was scheduled at 945, and I didn't called back till 10:45ish... I'm excited, nervous, and scared. As I sit down on the table, the lady takes my information, she asks "how many pregnancies", I calmly say "this is my 4th"... then the next question... "how many live births".. I softly, holding back tears, answer "just 1"..... i laid back, flash back to my first miscarriage, the very last time I got to see my baby, and the last ultrasound I had. When I saw my sweet Aiden, with no heartbeat.. (16 weeks)
This little bean pops up on the screen... my heart stops... waiting, waiting, waiting.. then BAM! That little heart is flickering!! Oh momma because so excited and wanted to leap for joy. My sweet little bean had a heartbeat of 171! Mommy and daddy are very very excited and thrilled!! 
I don't know that the thought of it happening a third time will ever leave... 😞 I just pray this one is sticky and healthy!