New to TTC and a little worried

Katrina • I am ready for this journey and to bring life into this world with the man I love ❤️
Hi everyone, I am new to this app, and new to letting anyone know I am trying to conceive besides my partner and closest friends. I am 21 and about last year's summer began having irregular periods, it's been 8 months that I haven't had a normal period, and I've had two encounters of what seems like a period but turns out to be light bleeding for about a week. I've been taking ovulation test for about a month now and not one test has came back positive. I don't know when I should see a doctor. Some advice would be helpful. Especially since I know I'm not the only one this is happening to but sometimes you feel like you are. I'm looking for support and girls that are going through the same thing that I can help support as well.