Love for my Nursing Mommies ❤️

Sunny • SAHM to Emeline and Isabelle. Wife to Tim. Interior Designer.
Best breastfeeding advice I ever got was: Don't quit on a bad day. 
And we all know there are some bad days. Something so natural should also be easy, right?! Totally not always the case, especially early on. You aren't alone in your struggles, mamas. Seek out all the help you need, and keep on trying!
You've got this, and I promise you it DOES get better. Those newborn days that drag into sleepless nights, the hours upon hours tied to a couch with a cluster feeding infant; it will all be over before you know it. I've personally nursed two babies into toddlerhood now, and it's been a beautiful experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. 
To those of you in the thick of newborn motherhood, I salute you. Stay strong and nurse on. You rock, and you can do this. 💜