To my second time mamas

How is your relationship with your partner? I've noticed how my boyfriend is becoming quite..let's say like different. It's like he going through a stage of it's all about me and what I want. We already have one child I dont know what is going to happen when our second is here. He keeps saying how his buddies wives who are pregnant always want sex and gets the house clean and dinner fixed on time. I couldn't help but laugh because there are so few women who are this way. Our house is messy....but it's cozy. As for the sex thing my hips can't take a pound 2-3 times a day. He wants to do crazy positions and I'm like I can barely lift my own self! I want to pleasure him trust me and I'm doing everything else to make so I just can't handle sex right now being big at 29 weeks.There are baby toys everywhere and dirty dishes next to the sink. I have 4 loads of laundry needed to be done mind that I stayed up till 2 to out away three last night. I've had to baby proof so I had to put away some of his things and he got upset yet gets mad when the baby wants to touch or look. However I will say he our main provider and works very hard. But so do I. My job doesn't end ever. He thinks being a mom to a baby (and being pregnant!)who is developing every day is easy and keeping a house clean is easy to manage. I cook for him and go get whatever he wants because I know he has worked so hard. Sometimes I really wished he were in my shoes. I really hope this passes because I am not raising 3 babies. Has this happen to anyone else? Please good advice and no bad talking. He wasn't this way when our first was born.