Gestational diabetes . .

At 26w I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. My blood sugar levels were high mainly in the morning. . My fasting. At first the dietician wanted me to do meal plan but it still wasn't helping. I was then put on metformin once a day. . And still not lowering them enough. Then I began to take 2 pills at bedtime and it hasn't shown too much of an improvement in my fasting numbers. So now I think I will have to start on low dosage of insulin and keep on metformin. . The insulin will produce rapid results and keep baby's pancreas from overworking. With GD there's always a chance the baby will grow too big too fast and luckily in our case he is still growing at correct rate with his age. Another great factor is that I am not rapidly gaining weight. . I'm actually -10 from pre pregnancy weight. And he is around 3 1/2 pounds at his 28 with check up. I am going back to dr next Tuesday at out 31w check up and see how it's going. Out next ultrasound is on 27th to check his growth. I'm so scared of all of this . .😣 sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to that is going through same stuff. .