Post Partum sex...

I'm 8 weeks post partum, and all-in-all it was a normal delivery as far as my "area" is concerned, I had a second degree tear but my baby was small and I only pushed for 30 minutes. At my 6 week check-up my doctor said I healed perfectly, so well that she could barely tell I had a vaginal delivery. I didnt have any issues healing either, but the other day my husband and I tried to have sex. I did my reading, so we had PLENTY of lube, he used his fingers first, and we went extremely slow and I tried my best to relax. But it hurt SO bad, I kept letting him try but after a minute he reused because he saw how much pain I was in. Last night I had some wine, hoping to help me relax, and we tried again but same thing, I was sobbing and I feel so bad because I know he wants it and Ido too, but now i Know he's not going to try again because he doesnt want to hurt me. It's not even a pain that I can say "just do it quick" i cant even let him in a little bit without an extreme pain. Has anyone else had this problem this long after delivery, even though my doctor cleared me could something have gone wrong in the 2 weeks since ive seen her? Or do I just need to bite the bullet and get through the initial pain? This is my first baby so i have no experience with this. Thanks!