Eating and sleeping long post sorry

My LO is 8 weeks old today. I am FTM and EBF. We had a rough go in the beginning he was 7.9 when born he lost ten and a half percent of his weight now he is up to ten pounds 😊we were seeing a lactation consultant every week because of his low weight. They said I had a low supply so I had to top up every feed. So I did top up every feed with my milk that I pumped after every feed. So really I don't think my supply was the issue he just wasn't taking it all. I have now stopped doing that all together because he is eating so well and I had a weighted feed that showed he was eating more then 3 oz so they are no longer concerned .I was feeding every three hours around the clock and waking him to do so but now that he is gaining I don't want to do that so for the last 4 days I've been feeding on demand and for the first two days it was pretty consistent every three hours. Yesterday and today though he has been going more like four hours between feeds he doesn't have a longer stretch at night because he is just used to getting up all day and night. Normally he would eat, we would play then he would sleep for an hour and start the process over but he has been eating and then sleeping right away and then he had one hour where he was super alert and playing and then right back to sleep. Basically I'm just wondering how long between feeds is normal on demand I don't want to leave him to long and is he sleeping to much?I'm worried if I let him sleep to much he might start loosing again but I know sleep is important for him to grow. I'm not worried about my supply I know it adjusts and I'm still taking fenugreek and blessed thistle so I have more then what he needs right now. Anyone else going through something similar or have any advice it would be much appreciated 😊