CHECK. [Gender Confirmation No. 1]

Janice Amber★★★ • 40YO DemiGirl LatinX with Autism

The legal one year waiting period begins as of November 29 2016. Which pushes me until January 1, 2018.

June 2015 I moved to New Mexico, and took six months to establish residency. I had to goto court to go through a Legal name chamge first, and a psychriast to sign a gender change order to "START" transition.

My ID was finally issued November 23, 2015, as female, under Janice Lepe as per court order.

June 2016 HRT begins.

September 2016, I get knocked off hormones for 25 days for insurance review of 4 boxes of 0.1mg TDS estragen patch. Approved.

November 29, 2016. Gender Confirmation Letter No. 1 gives passport and gwnder confirmation birth certificate from State of Califorina.

This is 18 months in transition now. 6 months of HRT, 2 months of high dose of HRT. Labs confirm estragen is in the 200s now. Im clycing now.

Ive been sucessfully hormally reassigned. Now i stay on hormones for another year at high dose for preperation for surgery in 2018.

Simple as that. Then I get Gender Confirmation Letter No. 2, Letter of Clerence for surgery.

I hope it helps someone out there. And to reduce the hate. :(