It's time for me to go

Hey Lovely Ladies of WOC CC, I'm bidding this app farewell. I've had my beautiful baby girl (who right now looks just like dad and big brother) She is perfect. At one point I came across a Glow member in this group who is usually against WOC. I couldn't understand why she was even here. I had the belief that Glow would keep this specific group safe for WOC and our allies. I guess I was wrong. Anywho, it has been more than AWESOME getting to know you lovely WOC and also the women who aren't WOC but have stood by us in CC when there were racist, homophobic comments and post being made. I will miss you all. Hopefully this space will not be invaded. Maybe in the future I will come back and check on this place. Xoxo lovely ladies of WOC CC. 😘❤️💛💚
-Panda 🐼