I'm in shock, awe, confused, something

Ms. A • I'm a single mother of 2 girls

I've got to get this out and since it's after 2am I figure y'all won't mind. Now before I start about this confusing situation, I really hope I don't get any rude comments...and I apologize if I ramble.

A little background fyi...I've been divorced since 2011 and met a guy I'll call "Dean". He's like 10yrs younger than I am and our relationship has been strictly platonic...even though I knew from the get-go he wanted more, it never happened. We're both single parents (or at least he's led me to believe he is/was) and he's honestly become a very good friend. A few years ago, I was beginning to develop some feelings for him and I would drop hints here & there thinking he'd get the message. He'd never act like he wanted anything more than friendship until I'd start dating someone, then he'd start to talk about his feelings for me...more or less, y'all know how some men are, so I let it go.

My current boyfriend and I...I'll call him "Scott" have been together since June of last year and before I ever met Scott, I talked to Dean and basically asked him how he felt about US. I wasn't gonna go on a date with Scott if there was anything "unresolved" with Dean. Well, he basically put me in the Friend Zone and that was that. They know about each other and Scott doesn't have any issues with my friendship with Dean. He trusts me and knows I'm not that type of woman.

Dean texted me earlier this week...I've been sick and asked me how I was feeling. He mentioned starting his vacation today and he was gonna come by and see my Christmas tree, have coffee (which we do a few times a week), and just talk crap. I didn't hear from him all day today until about 3:30 this afternoon. He called & said his baby-mama was crazy and took his phone...started going thru it asking him who is this person, what's this picture of...all that. I didn't think anything of it. He mentioned she might call...he didn't know if she'd gotten my number or not, which I could care less cause if somebody calls my cell & I don't recognize the number, I don't answer. He told me he'd call me later and that was that.

I'm in bed, it's after midnight and my phone rings...it's Dean. It's not uncommon for him to call that late...he's a night-owl, plus he does Uber driving and he'll call sometimes. If I'm awake, I'll answer the phone. So, the phone rings, I answer and here's what happens:

Me: hello

Woman: who is this?

Me: ahm...Leslie. Who's this?

Woman: Why are you calling my husband at 12:20 in the morning?

Me: what? I beg your pardon?

Woman: you heard me. Why are you calling my husband at 12:20 in the morning?

Me: ahm, I believe YOU called ME.

Woman: who are you? Why does my husband have your phone number?

Me: we're friends, that's it

Woman: Well it's very inappropriate for you to call my husband at 12:20 in the morning.

Me: WHAT??!! Look, YOU called ME. Is Dean there??Can I speak to him?

Woman: he's here but I have his phone and he won't be contacting you anymore.

I hung up the damn phone. That was almost 3 hours ago and I still cannot wrap my brain around the whole thing. For one, he's led me to believe for almost five years that he's divorced, and although nothing ever happened between us sexually, he KNOWS how my marriage ended and how I feel about that whole situation. Then the fact that some woman I don't know calls me from his phone and ..... I just don't know what to think. I don't trust easily and he knows it. He's the first guy-friend I made after my divorce and honestly, he's become a very, very close friend. If he's been lying to me all this time...I swear y'all, I don't know if our friendship will survive if he has. If it hadn't been so late and I knew he was still up, I'd have called my boyfriend Scott and yes...I'm gonna tell him all about it as soon as I can. I known Dean's gonna call me tomorrow morning and want to talk, but I don't know.


I texted my boyfriend Thursday & asked what he was doing later & I needed him. He replied...said he'd be down later. Around 11:00, he texted me & said the time got away from him & he'd definitely see me around 8:00 last night. He got here and I was waiting at the door. He came up the steps and pulled me to him and asked if I was ok. We went inside and I told him about my phone call. He said..."so what. Y'all are friends and if his old lady can't handle it, that's their problem. I'd suggest you find a way to talk to him and let him know that you didn't appreciate someone calling you from his phone and accusing you of anything. I know you went out with him a few years back and if he's been dishonest with you about his marital status, it's not your fault. Now come here and get in my lap."

OMG...I felt SOOOO much better after that!! I've been done wrong too many times to count and had so much disappointment since my divorce...it just feels good to finally have someone in my corner that supports me and gives me reassurance. My ex-husband did a number on my self-esteem and although we've been divorced since 2011, after being treated that way for 20yrs, it's a great feeling to have someone that doesn't put me down.

Dean came by my house Thursday morning & left one of his cards in m door with a note that said "Stopped by to see you, have a great day, thinking of you. Dean". He texted me yesterday and I didn't reply. He texted me today & asked what I was doing, then sent me pics of a hog he'd killed. I replied that I needed to talk to him & he said he'd call later. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this mess one way or the other. We've been friends for awhile and he IS a good one, but I'm not gonna be put in the position to be looking over my shoulder because his baby-mama thinks there's anything going on.